Thursday, July 17, 2008


I am in the process of making announcements. I know... I know..... my child is almost 5 mos. old! But here are some pics of our Baby Bryn. Blessings to all!


Mine and Jason's first major milestone happened a year ago today. We found out we were going to be parents! I remember how scared I was and how excited he was. He and my sister were jumping up and down for joy when the stick turned, and I just sat on the edge of bathtub and cried!!! I was so scared to be a mom. I was filled with so many worries. Looking back, I wouldn't have it any other way!! She is the joy in our life and I wake up every morning thanking God for her.

As I am sitting here writing this Bryn is trying to roll over for the 2nd time. Of course..... I didn't get to see the first. She did it right in front of me but I wasn't looking! One minute she was on her back then the next she was on her stomach.Just in the blink of an eye!! I now have the video camera stationed on her so I won't miss the moment. This major milestone in her life reminds me just how fast time flies!!! BrynLeigh Delore was born on March 5th, 2008. I can't believe she is 4 1/2 months old!! It just makes my heart hurt to think of all the milestones that have already happened..... her first smile,her first laugh, rolling over. This does make me look forward to what's to come.
By the way... she did roll over again and I caught it on camera!

Just another note..... me doing this and keeping up with it, is a milestone in itself. I have been signed up on blogspot for a month now and am just now getting to it. Everyday is an adventure and I hope you enjoy our happenings! Enjoy the view!!!